One of the best things about Google's own blogging platform, Blogger, is the ability to use custom CSS and JavaScript on your free blog. For if you know enough CSS to be dangerous, you can use Google's free website for your business and get away with paying no hosting or domain costs.
For those who want to steer clear of the YAT (Yet Another Template) effect, you already realise that you need some custom work done. You usually have two options - PAE (Pay An Expert) to do it for you, or DIY (Do It Yourself). While the first acronym still sounds like 'pay' and still means money out of your pocket, the DIY option often looks better. And if you know whwat you're doing, it often is, but if you don't, the DIY option will involve a lot more work than it would seem.
Keep re-blog close by and look out for more posts on how you can get you Blogger blog looking more in line with your corporate website (if you have one) or how to just make it look better. And you just might learn how to make it work better too, by connecting it to the boom in social media.
Just add the re-blog RSS feed and stay updated with new posts on how you, not some expensive design firm, can craft you own blog into a world class website. And of course, you can always follow VaughanJ on Twitter.